Listening to Right Now...

Right now I can't get enough podcasts. I love to read, but I spend a lot of time driving to where I need to go. It's a great way to learn, be inspired and enjoy the drive. I also listen to them while I'm working around the house: cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and working out are far more enjoyable when you don't just feel like you're doing a series of mindless tasks. 

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Prayer: 140 Characters or less?

I’ve been praying since I could talk. I was never taught; never guided. I was simply told to have a conversation; to speak my requests. I’ve prayed for a new cabbage patch doll at Christmas time, acceptance into college, and for a miraculous A on a test I didn’t study for. I’ve prayed for jobs, for pregnancy and childbirth, for healthy children, for healing, and for safe travels. 

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On Waiting: Fear

Millions of people tuned in to watch the infamous wedding of Prince William to Catherine Middleton. You’re probably well aware that Prince William is second in line to the throne, and you maybe even waited impatiently as the world awaited the birth of Prince William and Princess Catherine to give birth to their first child.

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Abby Walker Comment
Where is God?

It’s the age old question.

It’s the question that keeps me up at night, begging me to think of anything, anything else. It turns my stomach into knots, tightening, twisting until I think I’ll be sick. I've studied it. I've dissected it. I’ve theologized it. I’ve shoved it under the rug and washed my hands of it a thousand times.

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