Five Books to Start the New Year
Happy New Year! I'm excited about all the reading and writing I've got planned for this year.
I’m already halfway into Grounded and I just can’t put it down. It will be one that I keep on my desk and reread regularly. I’ll be reviewing this book soon, so stay tuned!
Here are the 5 I'll be starting the year with:
1. Just Mercy was popping up all over the place last fall. It was a New York Times bestseller. I previewed a chapter on Kindle and was hooked. I logged on to the Interlibrary loan and was 10th in line for checking it out. I finally broke down and ordered a copy! It’s a look at the unfairness in our justice system.
2. I’ve recently fallen in love with podcasts. I was working my way through the Robcasts when he introduced me to Elizabeth Gilbert. I’ve never read any of her works, but I listened through her podcast Magic Lessons, and cannot wait for more inspiration in her book Big Magic.
3. I know I’m late to the game on Erwin McManus’ Artisan Soul, but I’m always looking for a reminder of God’s creativity and new ways to discover and unleash my own creativity! I have a feeling this book will do just that.
4. Of course, Sarah Bessey’s newest book, Out of Sorts, had to be on the stack as I start the new year. I can’t wait to see what she has to share in this book about making peace with an evolving faith. If you aren't following Sarah's blog, check it out here! Also, if you haven't read Jesus Feminist, do that right away!
5. I’ll review each of these as I get through them! If you want to join with me in reading through them, let me know! If you have a book to add to the stack, please share.