Abby Walker

You are not your Type

Your Type lies to you.

Your Type limits you.

Your Type lessens you.


You have everything you need RIGHT NOW to break free of your Type and create a life of peace, power, and purpose.


 Let me tell you


I know what it’s like to feel limited by my type. I’m a five (which makes me super curious to learn more about you, BTW). But it’s also held me captive in a false self, in a narrow life, restricting my ability to live free.

  • I’ve been paralyzed by fear.

  • I’ve been stuck following a heartbreaking divorce.

  • I’ve been burned out as a single, working mom of 3 girls.

  • I’ve been lost in grief after the death of a loved one.

  • I’ve been lost in the wilderness post faith deconstruction.

  • I’ve been consumed by un-helpful coping mechanisms that left me in a shame spiral.

In every situation my type tried to protect me.

I turned to unhelpful coping-mechanisms to try and manage my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

  • The thought filling my mind was, “If only I were competent, if only I knew more, understood more, then I could have prevented this.”

  • The feeling that continually came up was intense fear that told me, “Withdraw. Isolate. Trust no one. Especially yourself.”

  • The action this all led to was to withdraw every time. I would NEED to shut down to obsess over what happened, mining it for information of what I should have done instead.

  • The message always reinforced was, “You never belonged, how could you think for a second you did? How incompetent are you?”

Until I finally realized I was creating my own suffering.

Every time a situation would arise, every time felt the slightest twinge of pain, it began.

  • I lied to myself about why I was in the situation.

  • I limited myself by moving into auto-pilot as a protective shield.

  • I lessened my joy by finding ways to avoid, deny, and numb my pain.

Only when I was able to be curious & compassionate about myself, was I able to create the life I desired.

I realized burying my feelings only buried them alive. Shoving my shadow into the dark only gave it power. The only way I could live FREE was to move beyond my type. I started to practice:

  • Questioning my thoughts.

  • Observing my feelings.

  • Changing my actions.

 The Enneagram taught me how to be curious & compassionate about my journey, and create the life I dreamed of.


Along with experience, I bring expertise & education…

I am a certified enneagram coach and teacher, and have been working with the enneagram for more than 10 years.

I’m a former pastor turned hospice chaplain (specialist in all things grief, death & dying).

I have a BA in Biblical & Theological Studies, a Master in Divinity from North Park Theological Seminary. I am ordained to Word and Sacrament.

 Stop searching. Start living.


So I made myself a promise.

I would let go of the lies I was believing about myself.

I would stop lessening my life to unnecessary suffering.

I would live FREE of the limits of my type.



This knowledge transformed my life.

  • I stopped believing my thoughts and started creating true ones.

  • I stopped avoiding my feelings and decreased my suffering.

  • I learned how to live my true life that is way bigger, way better, and way more joy-infused without the suffering I was creating.

Since then I’ve helped numerous others on their own journeys to live a life of peace, power, and purpose.