I Cry on Wednesdays
I cry on Wednesdays. Most days I can keep it together during daylight hours. These days. Don’t get me wrong, there were days in the beginning I couldn’t.
And that’s ok.
But these days. Seven months into single parenting. The same year that my kids have to homeschool? Thats the year I have to learn how to do it all?
On Wednesday nights (until recent restrictions) the girls mask up and go to church for 2 hours.
And I cry.
Not because I’m broken. But because I’m coming back to life. Because I’m being reborn. Because I hurt and I ache and I grieve. Because I know tomorrow I’ll be more of myself, but first, tonight there’s more that needs to die.
I know, I KNOW how badly you want to ignore the feelings. All the feelings. Me too. But if you don’t feel them now, you’ll have to feel them all later. If you don’t grieve today, you’ll have to do it tomorrow. Take a deep breath, hold it as long as you can, & let it all out slowly. Let it all out. You’re making a little room within yourself for yourself. It’s time.