When marriage ends, when death or divorce arrive, you lose the person who carries your story.
Read MoreIf you knew then, what you know now, would you have done it any different? Would you still board that plane? Still make that move? Still take that leap?
I’ve always been curious about prayer. I remember very early on feeling like we were doing it wrong.
Read MoreSometimes it feels like we put in all the hard years, all the labor, enduring all the tilling & toiling, and don’t quite make it to the harvest.
Read MoreOne year ago we climbed down our favorite trail and learned that the world was shutting down.
Read MoreDeep within you is life, buried under the suffering of this year, or maybe many years. Just beneath the surface, life is growing quietly in the dark, in the middle of winter.
Read MoreChurch has always felt complicated. I knew from a very young age what I was on this earth to do, but…
Read MoreGrief is my professional and personal area of expertise. It’s what I do. I’m a hospice chaplain. I sit with people in their pain every day.
Read MoreWe have the choice to move forward. We don’t have to stay stuck in the chaos. We actually get to choose what we do with the pain. With the loss.
Read MoreWhen we’re young, we learn to live in the world by developing coping mechanisms. We figure out what works for us, and they become our go to tools for managing life. We create an ego- a personality- around these tools…
Read MoreI cry on Wednesdays. Most days I can keep it together during daylight hours. These days. Don’t get me wrong, there were days in the beginning I couldn’t.
Read MoreIn March I realized I needed to sell my beloved home in Phoenix and it broke my heart. I mean, everything leading to the necessity of that decision broke my heart, the house was just a casualty.
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