Life of the Leader

Learn how to be fully connected to your head, heart, and gut so that you can successfully lead people through change. Through six guided 1:1 coaching sessions, you will prepare yourself for the challenges that come from leading people through change.

  • We will work together to figure out your type, subtype, wing, center of intelligence, instinctual center, and harmony triad.

  • You will learn where you go under stress, and the warning signs to be aware of.

  • You will learn strategies that will help you access all nine types, so that you have a fuller tool box for leadership.

  • You will take a deeper look at how you relate to others in your life, and uncover how to better connect, engage in conflict, and communicate with others.

  • You will learn what’s hiding in your blindspots.

  • You will learn your key need, and how to develop a relationship with God that fills that need, so that you aren’t inadvertently looking for others your church to fill it.


Pay as you go: $140 per session

Prepay for all six sessions: $750

Leading Teams

  • Instructional teaching with an in-depth overview of the enneagram which includes: all nine types, wings, subtypes, and triads.

  • Understanding the difference in thinking, feeling, and behaving of each team member.

  • Learning the passion, virtue, and communication style of each type.

  • Interactive group activities for team building.

  • Tools for each individual to take home to continue personal development.

This can be adapted for staff teams, boards, and entire organizations (church or business).

Let’s get started!

Mini Session (3 hours): $1100

Full Session (6 hours): $2200

*prices dependent upon specific training for your team and the size of your team. Contact Abby today about your individualized team training.