For Love

The moment Lucy was born, I immediately felt a connection. But it wasn’t until Day 2 that I experienced a bond. I was sitting in a large overstuffed chair, the foot stool piled high with books. I was a full time Seminary student at the time, and I was very delusional that I would give birth and get right back to studying. Our bags from the hospital were still sitting in the living room, because no one had gotten a wink of sleep in 36 hours.

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Tears and Cries and Snot

There are three little women in my house, all under the age of five. And as chaotic as that sounds (and is), there are predictable patterns that emerge. By 7:00 a.m. they will want breakfast on the table. As I am carrying breakfast to the table, they will ask me to get them milk too. They will eat half of their cereal and get distracted by the thought of putting on their tutus and start dancing around the living room....

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Sometimes at night I wake up in horror, dreaming about the sound of a metronome clicking back and forth, back and forth. My mom was convinced that piano lessons would be the thing that made me an intelligent, cultured and well rounded human being. For that reason, I hated Tuesdays. Every week for five years, I dragged my feet behind me as I walked from the car to Mrs. Binder’s house.

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ordinary, faithAbby WalkerComment
If These Walls Could Talk

Have you ever used the expression “if these walls could talk”? Sometimes I think that the walls in a pastor’s office could tell the kinds of stories that make for great movies and best selling novels. They could tell beautiful stories of redemption and courage, where good people in bad situations overcome difficult odds. These are the kinds of stories where the Spirit’s presence is undeniable and God’s purposes revealed in new and significant ways. Still, there are thicker and darker moments that hold confessions of grief, envy and doubt. In those moments, people let go of secrets and dissonant emotions in wavering whispers. 

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Gloria’s hair reminded me of Goldilocks. She had tight, perfectly golden, set curls. She looked exactly how you might imagine someone named Gloria would look. She was 65-years-old, plump, with rosy red cheeks. She had on white fuzzy slippers, and a pink terrycloth robe.

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ordinary, faithAbby WalkerComment
Firewood to Farm Table

I found an old table, constructed from repurposed wood. It is a collection of old porch posts, and boards ripped off of the side of a dilapidated barn. The wood was battered and bruised. The boards were slapped on top of the posts, and the hodgepodge of firewood became something that roughly resembled a table.

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Disunity in Christ

Do you have a category of Christians you think are wrong? 

Maybe Wrong Christian belongs to the opposite political party. Maybe Wrong Christian won’t attend a church where there is female leadership. Maybe Wrong Christian dresses in revealing clothing. Maybe Wrong Christian cares about the environment. Maybe Wrong Christian doesn’t care about the environment. Maybe Wrong Christian doesn’t care about social justice. Maybe Wrong Christian cares about social justice.

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Chicago, Cows, Creation and Childbirth

The idea for this blog has been brewing in my head for about six years. That's when I purchased the domain. The concept, sustainable theology, was inspired by Chicago, cows, creation and preparing for childbirth. For the first time in my life, I was starting to see the story God was writing, and I realized I was a teeny, tiny, minor character in the greater narrative. I was beginning to see that my story mattered, and I was capable of living a great one!

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