Posts in women in ministry
For Love

The moment Lucy was born, I immediately felt a connection. But it wasn’t until Day 2 that I experienced a bond. I was sitting in a large overstuffed chair, the foot stool piled high with books. I was a full time Seminary student at the time, and I was very delusional that I would give birth and get right back to studying. Our bags from the hospital were still sitting in the living room, because no one had gotten a wink of sleep in 36 hours.

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If These Walls Could Talk

Have you ever used the expression “if these walls could talk”? Sometimes I think that the walls in a pastor’s office could tell the kinds of stories that make for great movies and best selling novels. They could tell beautiful stories of redemption and courage, where good people in bad situations overcome difficult odds. These are the kinds of stories where the Spirit’s presence is undeniable and God’s purposes revealed in new and significant ways. Still, there are thicker and darker moments that hold confessions of grief, envy and doubt. In those moments, people let go of secrets and dissonant emotions in wavering whispers. 

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