Just like you, I know everything and everyone will die. But that doesn’t make it any easier, does it?
I know what it’s like to have big dreams die. To lose your career and the stability, the purpose, the identity it gave you. To lose your idea, your passion, what you believed to be your future.
I know what it’s like to have your marriage die. To have the intimacy of partnership betrayed, the entire structure of your family system change over night, and the future as you knew it end.
I know what it’s like to have God die. To let go of the version of God you once believed in to make room for a bigger, more creative, and expansive God. To walk away from faith. To leave church. To wander the wilderness.
I know what it’s like to have yourself die. To have to let go of the personality that’s always been familiar in order to discover who you’ve really been all along.
I know what it’s like to lose people you love through death and betrayal. To have someone you love dearly cease to be a part of your physical life and all the complexities that brings depending on your relationship with them.
I’ve walked through the darkness of deconstruction on a personal, relational, professional and spiritual level.
I am a certified enneagram coach and teacher, and have been working with the enneagram for more than 10 years.
I have a BA in Biblical & Theological Studies, and a Master in Divinity from North Park Theological Seminary.
I am a life coach, certified enneagram specialist, hospice chaplain, spiritual director, and grief counselor.
To sum it all up, I would tell you I am a feminist mystic.
Oh, and I recently moved back to my hometown in rural Kansas and purchased the oldest house (circa 1880) and am bringing it back to life with my three daughters Lucy, Mabel & Harper. It’s a little bit easier to see the progress than the slow and steady work of fixing up my interior life.